Food shortage in Kawemhakan and Kumakapan due to drought
About 800 residents of the Kawemhakan and Kumakapan are running out of food because the drought has dried up the rivers. The villagers can’t use their boats and canoes to go to Albina or Marowijne to buy food. The only option that is left is to take the plane but that is too expensive. The Chinese stores that are located in these Amerindian villages are almost out of stock. “The villagers have lost their cassava crops due to the drought,” said Giovanny Mapale, multi media coordinator of Stichting Mulokot. The foundation explained that the people from these two villages have been without their main staple, cassava, because of the persistent drought in the hinterland. The villagers therefore need rice from the city. The foundation has already started collecting donations to help out the villagers. Several people have donated food products but much more is needed especially rice and water. People who want to make a donation can visit the office of Stichting Mulokot in the Koosstraat from Monday till Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.