‘It is a war’: Brazil prison authorities warn of more violence after deadly riot


Prison authorities across Brazil should prepare for further violence after a New Year’s Day riot in which nine prisoners were murdered, according to prosecutors, police and prison guards. The killings at the Colônia Agroindustrial semi-open prison in Goiás state in Brazil’s interior came a year after more than 120 died in a string of prison riots and marked the latest grim chapter in a nationwide struggle between rival drug gangs.

“It is a war, and I believe no side wants to appear weak. That is why it is dangerous,” said detective Myrian Vidal, who runs the organised crime division of Goiás police.

Maxuell das Neves, president of the state’s prison guards union, said there is a “critical situation” at another prison in Anapolis, Goiás. “It could explode at any moment,” he said. Two prison guards were reportedly murdered in the city in recent days. Das Neves said that before Monday’s riot, he had warned authorities of the threat. Four guards were in control of around 800 prisoners when the violence broke out. “It was a predictable tragedy,” he said.(theguardian)…[+]