Nieuws Archief
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PARAMARIBO – The laboratory of the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP) had to cease all of its activities for a second time time in the same week because of the same problem. It was flooded for a second time after a heavy rainfall. The roof has multiple leaks which is why desks, chairs, computers and equipment sustain water damage whenever it rains.
The people who work in the lab co plained about the floodings and the fact that the problem still has not been addressed. As long as the roof is not repaired,the lab will be flooded each time it rains. Meanwhile the work that must be done at the lab is piling up. If the lab can’t screen the samples that it receives, the patients of the AZP also can’t receive the proper medical treatment as their doctors have to wait for the lab results. The people who are stationed at the laboratory made it clear that it will be extremely difficult to replace the equipment once it gets damaged by the water. The AZP lacks the funds to purchase new equipment and new computers. The people who work in the lab hope that management will have the roof fixed as soon as possible so that they can get back to work as soon as possible…[+]