Orbán: election victory gives us mandate to pass ‘Stop Soros’ laws


Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has pledged to push through a controversial package of bills targeting civil society, described by his government as the “Stop Soros” package. Orbán said his Fidesz party’s landslide victory in Sunday’s parliamentary elections had given the government perhaps the strongest mandate in modern Hungarian history.

“The reason we submitted this package before the elections is in order to allow the Hungarian voters to cast their vote knowing our intention on this. This has happened and we believe we are mandated by this election to pass this law.” Among other things, the proposed laws will require NGOs that work on migration-related issues to seek registration from the interior ministry. They could be rejected on a national security basis after vetting by security agencies. Any foreign funding for migration-related activities will be subjected to a 25% tax.(theguardian)…[+]