Nieuws Archief
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The state on Tuesday announced that it would pull out of the lawsuit that it and the Public Works Minister Riad Nurmohamed had filed against Starnieuws and the editor in chief at Starnieuws, Nita Ramcharan. Ramcharan made it clear that she would not allow Nurmohamed to drop the lawsuit because that would only be possible under certain conditions. She explained that the minister would have to apologize to the entire nation, the nation’s reporters and us,” said Ramcharan who added that her team of attorneys would also have to give advice on this matter. Ramcharan applauded the state’s decision to drop the lawsuit because “there is no valid reason for this lawsuit.” Several days ago MP Asis Gajadien, leader of the faction of the VHP in parliament, had made it clear that the state should not get involved in the legal fight between Starnieuws and Minister Nurmohamed who is also a member of the VHP. Minister Nurmohamed decided to sue Nita Ramcharan because he felt insulted by a column that had been published by Starnieuws. In the column the editor in chief held the Public Works minister responsible for leaking confidential information about the call for tenders for the Rehabilitation of the Van ‘t Hogerhuyssttraat Project which is a project of the Inter American Development Bank. Last Tuesday the minister was reluctant to comment on the latest developments…[+]