Trinidad: 5-year-old scratch bomb victim gets prosthetic hand


Five-year-old Joshua Ru­fus is lit­er­al­ly get­ting a help­ing hand from a Point Lisas-based en­gi­neer­ing com­pa­ny. Joshua lost part of his right hand three years ago when he in­no­cent­ly placed a scratch bomb in­to a light­ed deya dur­ing Di­vali cel­e­bra­tions at his par­ent’s Debe Trace, Debe home. The ex­plo­sion scarred him for life.

Two weeks ago, Guardian Me­dia high­light­ed Joshua’s sto­ry and it touched Deo N Lall, the founder of Qualitech Ma­chin­ing Ser­vices Ltd, who is of­fer­ing to as­sist the child with a 3D-print­ed pros­thet­ic hand. Joshua has learned to adapt to his dis­abil­i­ty, learn­ing to write with his left hand. He is able to dress him­self and do most ba­sic tasks that any child his age can do.

Lall said his com­pa­ny had been ex­per­i­ment­ing with a 3D print­er to make ar­ti­fi­cial limbs. “We be­lieve we may be in a po­si­tion to as­sist Joshua in a very small, but ben­e­fi­cial way, by fit­ting him with such a limb to as­sist him in his every­day tasks. It will, of course, be done at no cost to him,” Lall stat­ed.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]