Trinidad: Boy, 13, was raped, strangled to death


Shocked rel­a­tives of Joash Pan­tin, 13, emerged from the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre in St James yes­ter­day af­ter­noon with their eyes filled with tears, as their great­est fears were re­alised when the au­top­sy con­firmed he was bug­gered and stran­gled to death. Po­lice sources told the T&T Guardian that they had ar­rest­ed two sus­pects, ages 36 and 16, in con­nec­tion with the heinous crime.

Speak­ing with the T&T Guardian min­utes af­ter close rel­a­tives and friends ex­it­ed the cen­tre, a male rel­a­tive, who wished not to be iden­ti­fied, said the fam­i­ly be­came even more “de­pressed, shocked and pained” af­ter get­ting the au­top­sy re­sults. “Luck­i­ly, the po­lice have two of them in­side. In fact, one of them live close to where Joash lived and they say­ing that he is known to prey on chil­dren, that this is not the first time,” the rel­a­tive said. Pan­tin’s great un­cle Hay­den Wil­son de­scribed the per­pe­tra­tor/s as ei­ther a “psy­chopath or so­ciopath.”(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]