Trinidad: Boy, 7, burns down home by accident


A sev­en-year-0ld boy play­ing with match­es ac­ci­den­tal­ly torched his fam­i­ly’s home, leav­ing 11 peo­ple home­less. With their home now de­stroyed, a Moru­ga fam­i­ly is now plan­ning a “sit down” with their chil­dren to dis­cuss fire safe­ty.

The fire that de­stroyed the Mc In­tyres’ four-apart­ment fam­i­ly home left six adults and five chil­dren with on­ly the clothes on their backs. Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, when in­ves­ti­ga­tors spoke to the child’s moth­er, she ad­mit­ted that her son was play­ing with match­es and ac­ci­den­tal­ly set the mat­tress on fire. Pat Mc In­tyre told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day that most of the fam­i­ly was at home along Richard­son Street, Basse Terre on Mon­day. She was in her up­per apart­ment mak­ing a few calls and her daugh­ter, who at­tends the Uni­ver­si­ty of the South­ern Caribbean, was com­plet­ing her as­sign­ments when smoke start­ed ris­ing through the floor­boards.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]