Trinidad Top Cop: Murder count could have been over 1,000


Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith says de­spite his achieve­ments over the last year in of­fice, mur­ders and the fear of crime con­tin­ues to be his biggest chal­lenges.

The mur­der count for this year has equalled the last year’s fig­ure with the lat­est killing tak­ing place on Thurs­day night in Mor­vant. Grif­fith ac­knowl­edged that had it not been for the good work of his of­fi­cers, it could have been worse.

“There have been some sit­u­a­tions where based on prop­er in­tel­li­gence and prop­er op­er­a­tions some­times over 10-15 per­sons could have been killed in one night,” said Grif­fith. “Per­sons will try to crit­i­cise the Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice based on what you would have seen with the homi­cide rate, but I can as­sure you that the homi­cide rate in re­la­tion to the pop­u­la­tion if you look at the num­ber of firearms we have and the oth­er sig­nif­i­cant fac­tors that we en­counter on a dai­ly ba­sis. The homi­cide rate could be well have been over 1,000 per an­num,” said Grif­fith.(Stabroeknews)…[+]