Trinidadians warned about further flooding, rivers overspilling


Me­te­o­rol­o­gist Seigo­nie Mo­hammed says cit­i­zens should pre­pare for river­ine flood­ing to­day. “The is­sue is that we have a lot of fea­tures at play right now that are bring­ing out the flood­ing,” she ex­plained. “It’s river­ine flood­ing as op­posed to typ­i­cal flash or street flood­ing. “River­ine flood­ing means that the riv­er has reached to the point where it over­spills its banks and that will lead to wide­spread flood­ing.

“It’s the ma­jor rivers right now that have crest­ed their banks, which means that small­er trib­u­taries more than like­ly, es­pe­cial­ly with the ad­di­tion­al rain­fall, will lead to fur­ther over­spills in the small­er ar­eas as op­posed to just the Ca­roni Riv­er be­ing over­topped. “What we’re go­ing to see over the next sev­er­al days be­cause of the red alert ad­vi­so­ry, is river­ine flood­ing that goes in­to Oc­to­ber 26 even though the ad­verse weath­er alert ends on Oc­to­ber 23.”(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]