Trinidad’s new fast ferry once outran pirates


This coun­try’s lat­est fast fer­ry, the HSC Jean de la Valette, once out­ran some pi­rate ships, a de­scrip­tion from the Ship Tech­nol­o­gy web­site has claimed. And cit­i­zens of T&T were on Wednes­day giv­en a glimpse of the ves­sels speed af­ter it com­plet­ed its jour­ney from Cadiz, Spain five days ahead of the sched­uled ar­rival time.

But the Jean de la Valette’s speed was not the main fea­ture that had peo­ple on so­cial me­dia in awe yes­ter­day. Pho­tographs of the Jean de la Valette’s in­te­ri­or went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia yes­ter­day hours af­ter the ves­sel docked in Trinidad. The Jean de la Valette sailed in­to the Port of Port-of-Spain short­ly af­ter 8 am yes­ter­day af­ter com­plet­ing its jour­ney from Cadiz, Spain. Ac­cord­ing to one ship track­ing ser­vice, the ves­sel had been sched­uled to ar­rive at 11 pm last night.

The Jean de la Valette set sail from Spain last Fri­day and was es­ti­mat­ed to ar­rive in Trinidad wa­ters ten days lat­er. The voy­age be­tween Spain and Trinidad in­clud­ed one bunker­ing stop in Cape Verde, Africa.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]