Trinidad drivers have paid $171 million in traffic fines in 4 years

The Judiciary of T&T has collected $170.9 million in fines paid by errant and delinquent drivers who committed traffic offences and violations between 2011 and 2015 on the nation’s roads. This startling figure does not include the 120,489 tickets that remained unpaid in the courts for this same period, which currently represents millions of dollars in outstanding revenue for the State.
The amendments to the Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act of 2017, which are expected to be proclaimed next month, would see the introduction of new road laws and measures that will see the Government mashing the brakes on reckless, careless and delinquent drivers. The implementation includes the use of speed spot cameras, penalties for late payment of tickets, red light cameras and law enforcement officers using handheld devices to issue electronic tickets. In addition, tickets will no longer be paid at the courts and motorists can have their driver’s permits suspended.
On Tuesday, Head of Legal Services at the Ministry of Works and Transport Marvin Gonzales described these new measures as the u-turn system of evolutionary enforcement for the 700,000-plus motorists who use the nation’s roads.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]