Residents at Richelieu II shocked by gas cylinder thefts


The residents of Richelieu II on Friday morning were shocked to hear about a string of cooking gas cylinder thefts that had taken place in their neighborhood. A concerned resident told Times of Suriname that she was getting ready to leave for work when she received a message from a neighbor via WhatsApp, informing her and the other members of the WhatsApp group chat that her cylinder had been stolen. “I immediately went outside to check if my cylinder was still there but I found out that it was stolen. Seven gas cylinders were stolen that night,” said the woman who added that the residents fear that the thieves will return to steal other things, too. “They came for the gas cylinders. That much is clear because other things such as tables, chairs and tools were also outside but they did not take those things,” said the woman. The thieves tried to steal an eighth gas cylinder but failed. They did, however, managed to break the padlock of the door of the gas cylinder cage. The residents are puzzled by the fact that the police did not notice anything out of the ordinary because there is only one way into and out of their neighborhood. All of the cars that enter or leave Richelieu II must pass by the police station. The residents wonder how they will be able to buy a new gas cylinder. “The minister of Justice and Police keeps saying that crime is being tackled but we have not noticed anything different. Things are in fact getting worse because this is the first time that we have had thefts in our residential area since we have lived here.” The investigation is ongoing. The perpetrators are still at large…[+]