France’s virus-tracing app ‘off to a good start’

app france

France’s digital minister has said its coronavirus contact-tracing app has been downloaded 600,000 times since it became available on Tuesday afternoon. StopCovid France is designed to prevent a second wave of infections by using smartphone logs to warn users if they have been near someone who later tested positive for the virus.

But a last-minute launch delay led some citizens to download the wrong product. England has yet to confirm when its own app will roll out nationwide. Health Secretary Matt Hancock had originally said it would be by 1 June, and then later suggested it would be around the middle of next week. But the BBC has learned that it is now unlikely to be before 15 June and could be as late as July. That is in part because of delays in releasing a second version of the software to the Isle of Wight, where it is being trialled. The update will add symptoms including the loss of taste and smell to a self-diagnosis questionnaire next week, or soon after.(BBC)…[+]