Austria hunts suspects after ‘Islamist terror’ attack


Austrian police have urged people to stay indoors as they hunt for suspects after a multiple gun attack in the capital Vienna that killed four people. A gunman shot dead by police has been identified as a 20-year-old “Islamist terrorist”. He was released early from jail in December. Seven of the 17 people wounded have life-threatening injuries. Gunmen opened fire at six locations in the city centre on Monday evening.

Two men and two women were shot dead. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the four victims were an elderly woman, an elderly man, a young male passer-by and a waitress. Witnesses described how the gunmen had opened fire on people outside bars and chased them as they fled inside. It was clearly an attack driven by “hatred of our way of life, our democracy”, the chancellor said. He earlier spoke of a “repulsive terror attack”. The nation was engaged not in a battle between Christians and Muslims, he stressed, but “between civilisation and barbarism“.(BBC)…[+]