California 26-year-old dies after tooth infection spreads to his lungs


A 26-year-old Sacramento man died Monday after a toothache turned into an infection that spread to his lungs.

Vadim Kondratyuk Anatoliyevich, a professional long haul truck driver, began complaining about pain in his tooth about two weeks ago when he left a truck stop in Truckee, Calif., while traveling to New York,Fox40 reported. During the cross-country trek, Kondratyuk Anatoliyevich visited a dentist in Oklahoma, who cleaned out his infected tooth and prescribed him antibiotics, and he felt better through his arrival in New York, his wife Natliya told the news station. But things took a turn when Vadim started toward home, she said. The infection had worsened, causing her husband’s face and mouth to swell.Vadim eventually became too weak to drive, so his brother journeyed to pick him up. By the time they connected the father of two was having trouble breathing and couldn’t stand on his own, so the brothers pulled off to a Utah hospital. Four days later, Nataliya was blindsided by a phone call from a doctor, who delivered tragic news.(nydailynews)…[+]