NYPD cop used pink handcuffs to restrain dying Kimani Gray, 16, after he was shot by police


An NYPD cop being sued for restraining 16-year-old Kimani Gray after he was shot seven times by police, secured the dying youth’s hands behind his back with pink-colored handcuffs, according to court papers.

It is unclear why Police Officer John Hoder was carrying the unusual handcuffs. But it was apparently a well-known fact among his fellow officers that the pink bracelets belonged to him when they were questioned as to how they knew who had restrained Gray. “I don’t know if he used pink cuffs to demean (someone under arrest) or if it’s something allowed by the police for some other reason,” said lawyer Richard Cardinale, who represents Gray’s motehr in a federal lawsuit alleging excessive force and illegal handcuffing.(nydailynews.com)…[+]