Three Israelis killed in gun attack by Palestinian assailant

Three Israelis have been killed in a gun attack by a Palestinian assailant at a settlement outside Jerusalem. Police said the attacker arrived at a rear entrance to the Har Adar settlement at about 7am as security guards were opening a gate to admit Palestinian labourers with permits.
When security guards became suspicious, the individual pulled out a pistol hidden under his shirt and opened fire, fatally wounding three Israelis – a policeman and two civilian security guards – before he was shot and killed. The victims were named as 20-year-old police sergeant Solomon Gavriya and security guards Youssef Ottman and Or Arish, both 25.
Authorities identified the gunman as 37-year-old Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal from the nearby village of Beit Surik. Israeli security services said he had “significant personal and family problems, including those regarding family violence” and that his life had fled to Jordan several weeks ago. The attacker held a work permit for the settlements. Permits are issued only after security vetting. Shay Retter, the head of Har Adar’s security committee, said between 100 and 150 Palestinian labourers typically enter the community each day for work.(theguardian)…[+]