Donald Trump makes last-minute $10M transfer to campaign after not giving for much of October


Donald Trump has made a last-minute $10 million cash infusion into his campaign, Trump advisors tell the Wall Street Journal, a donation coming shortly after new election documents showed he hadn’t given a dime in October. The new donation will help fund a last-minute $25 million ad buy, according to the Journal.

Trump had made no cash donations to his campaign and spent just $31,000 in in-kind donations to his efforts to become president in the first three weeks of October, according to Federal Election Commission reports released late Thursday. That was a big departure from the average of $2 million a month he was spending personally in his first months as the GOP nominee, when it looked more likely that he could knock off Hillary Clinton. Recent polls show the race slightly closer than it was a week ago, but almost all reputable polls have Clinton with a comfortable national lead and an edge in key swing states.(…[+]