Thousands sign petition demanding Hunter College fire professor whose husband criticized Ivanka Trump


A few thousand people want a Hunter College professor fired after his husband heckled Ivanka Trump. As of early Wednesday, more than 5,300 signed a petition to have urban studies and planning professor Matt Lasner removed after the run-in. Lasner and his husband, Dan Goldstein, were booted last week from a JetBlue flight to San Francisco at Kennedy Airport when Goldstein went on a rant against President-elect Donald Trump’s policies as Ivanka waited for takeoff with her husband and kids. “Matt Lasner’s conduct is a direct representation of Hunter College,” the petition says.Lasner tweeted the incident, posting a photo with the message “Ivanka just before @JetBlue kicked us off our flight when a flt attendant overheard my husband expressing displeasure about flying w/ Trumps.”(…[+]