Nieuws volgens datum: 13 May, 2024

Kastiel schiet IMT naar overwinning in SML-competitie

VOETBAL – Romeo Kastiel heeft Inter Moengo Tapoe (IMT) naar een overwinning geschoten, in de competitie van de Suriname Major League (SML). Zaterdag werd Broki in het Franklin Essed Stadion overrompeld met 4-1, waarbij Kastiel drie doelpunten maakte.
Vanaf het begin was IMT veel beter dan zijn tegenstander. Het doel van doelman Gianni Forster van Broki werd voortdurend onder druk gezet. Eerst was het Gilberto Cronie, daarna Jeame Naana die Forster op de proef stelden. Het was echter slechts een kwestie van tijd voordat IMT het eerste doelpunt zou maken. Na een paar gemiste kansen lukte het Rahi Kastiel om de score te openen in de 24ste minuut met een afstandsschot: 1-0.
Hierna nam Romeo Kastiel de wedstrijd over. Binnen de kortste keren maakte de kleine aanvaller van IMT drie doelpunten en gaf hij IMT een ruime voorsprong nog voor het rustsignaal. In de tweede helft nam IMT wat gas terug, wat Broki wat ademruimte gaf. In de 72ste minuut redde Okiono Wens de eer voor Broki.

PVV is slecht gestart in de tweede ronde, nadat het team in de eerste ronde goed was begonnen. Het team verloor met 1-2 van Flora. Roy Rome bracht Flora in de tiende minuut op voorsprong, waarna Faustino Benali de ploegen op gelijke hoogte bracht.
In de tweede helft maakte Jovan Haabo het winnende doelpunt voor Flora.

Op vrijdag speelde koploper Transvaal gelijk tegen Robinhood: 2-2. Dimitri Apai maakte beide doelpunten voor Transvaal, terwijl Roshano Soebarman en Ravello Zijler de doelpunten voor Robinhood verzorgden…[+]

Suriname domineert bij Roger Boyce Worldcup

Complete Surinaamse dominantie op Roger Boyce Worldcup

BODYBUILDING – Suri­name heeft bij de profs de Bodybuilding Open klasse, de hoofdwedstrijd bij de Roger Boyce World Cup, volledig gedomineerd. De top 3 was een compleet Surinaamse aangelegenheid. Eddy Wilson werd voor de derde achtereenvolgende keer kampioen. Soepe Koese en Jermaine Karg hebben het uitgevochten om de tweede plaats, waarbij Soepe aan het langste eind trok en Karg op de derde plaats eindigde.
In een sterk deelnemersveld lukte het Fabian Wehl net niet de finale te halen. Het publiek was bijzonder onder de indruk van de Surinaamse massamonsters en menigeen stapte naar de delegatie met de vraag: “What do you guys eat in Suriname?” Eddy Wilson was ook zeer blij met zijn overwinning. “Dit is de kroon op het harde werk dat ik in de voorbereiding heb gestopt”, zegt hij. Het was de eerste keer dat Eddy Wilson, Jermaine Karg en Soepe Koese, drie van onze beste bodybuilders van dit moment het zo tegen elkaar moesten uitvechten. Wat een wedstrijd was het…met het publiek als grote winnaar.
Net zo groot als de blijdschap, was ook de teleurstelling in de vijfde plaats die aan Randall Haakmat toebedeeld werd in de Classic Physique klasse. Bij het bekendmaken van deze uitslag was de zaal muisstil en de blikken van verontwaardiging in het publiek spraken boekdelen. De Surinaamse Bodybuilding and Weightlifting Bond (SBWB) heeft haar misnoegen kenbaar gemaakt over deze en enkele andere beslissingen bij de Roger Boyce Worldcup en zal dit ook schriftelijk doen. “It is at the end of the day een jurysport waarbij dit soort dingen gebeuren en niet nieuw zijn, maar het is vooral voor de atleten in kwestie best pijnlijk”, zegt de voorzitter van de SBWB, Earnie Eenig, ontdaan. “Er zijn in onze ogen, en in die van een groot deel van het publiek, vreemde beslissingen genomen die niet stroken met de geschreven regels, en dat steekt”, gaat Eenig verder.
“Gelukkig waren Eddy , Soepe en Karg met kop en schouders beter, want wie weet of ook daar het dan niet anders was verlopen. Maar goed, overall heeft Suriname weer gedomineerd, we did it. Gemengde gevoelens maar we zijn trots”, besluit de SBWB voorzitter…[+]

Melania Trump serveert politiek debuut zoon Barron af “Hij heeft al andere verplichtingen”

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VS – Barron Trump (18), de jongste zoon van Amerikaans presidentskandidaat Donald Trump (77), zal deze zomer dan toch niet zijn politiek debuut maken als afgevaardigde voor de staat Florida op de Republikeinse Nationale Conventie in Milwaukee. Dat heeft zijn moeder Melania (54) gezegd in een mededeling aan nieuwssite
Het nieuws van Barrons eerste politieke optreden op de Republikeinse Nationale Conventie raakte donderdag bekend. Tijdens die conventie nomineren Republikeinse afgevaardigden officieel hun presidentskandidaat en stemmen ze over het partijprogramma. Ook andere kinderen van Trump – Donald Trump Jr. (46) Eric Trump (40) en Tiffany Trump (30) – treden op als afgevaardigden voor Florida.
Barron Trump studeert volgende week af van de middelbare school en is volgens zijn vader erg geïnteresseerd in politiek. In een interview met de Spaanstalige zender Telemundo 51 noemde Donald Trump de nieuwe politieke functie van zijn zoon donderdag nog “heel schattig”. Op Talk Radio 1210 WPHT prees hij het politieke instinct van zijn jongste. “Het is best grappig. Soms zegt hij tegen mij: ‘Papa, dit is wat je moet doen’”, klonk het.
Maar dat was buiten Melania gerekend. Van haar is bekend dat ze als een havik waakt over de privacy van haar zoon en dat ze hem zo ver mogelijk weghoudt van de politiek.
In een mededeling laat ze nu weten dat haar zoon “vereerd is om gekozen te worden als afgevaardigde”, maar dat hij “met spijt in het hart” moet weigeren, omdat hij “al andere verplichtingen” heeft.
Wat die verplichtingen precies inhouden, zegt ze niet. (HLN)…[+]

Dodental door overstromingen Brazilië stijgt naar 136, nog 125 mensen vermist

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BRAZILIЁ – Het dodental door overstromingen in Rio Grande do Sul in het zuiden van Brazilië is gestegen naar 136. Volgens de lokale autoriteiten zijn er nog zo’n 125 mensen vermist.
Zo’n 440 gemeenten van de deelstaat zijn door de overstromingen getroffen en zeker 537 duizend mensen hebben hun huis moeten verlaten. Het regent nog steeds in het gebied en er worden nog meer overstromingen verwacht.
Het noodweer begon vorige week maandag. De verwachting is dat het blijft regenen. De hoofdstad van de deelstaat, Porto Alegre, is een van de zwaarst getroffen steden. De gouverneur sprak over de “ergste klimaatramp in de geschiedenis” van Rio Grande do Sul. (NU)…[+]

Dood gewaande leider Colombiaanse guerrillabeweging FARC duikt weer op

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COLOMBIA – De dood gewaande vroegere nummer twee van de voormalige Colombiaanse guerrillabeweging FARC, Iván Márquez, is afgelopen zaterdag opnieuw opgedoken in een video. Daarin spreekt hij zijn steun uit voor de voorstellen van de regering van president Gustavo Petro.
Márquez nam de wapens weer op na het historische vredesakkoord tussen de regering en de FARC in 2016. Hij leidt één van de dissidente facties met de naam Segunda Marquetalia, die volgens de Colombiaanse militaire inlichtingendiensten zowat 1.600 strijders telt.
In juli speculeerden lokale media dat de vroegere FARC-leider dood zou zijn. Hij zou bij een aanval in Venezuela in 2022 zijn omgekomen. De regering ontkende die info echter en in maart had de politie gezegd dat Márquez zich in Colombia bevond.
Nu heeft de rebellenleider zich ook weer getoond in een video van 16 minuten. Daarin zegt hij onder andere voorstander te zijn van een voorstel van Colombiaans president Gustavo Petro om een grondwetgevende vergadering op te richten.
Márquez nam deel aan de onderhandelingen die in 2016 tot de demobilisatie van de FARC leidden. Hij keerde daarna ook terug naar het burgerleven en werd verkozen tot senator, maar midden 2019 koos hij weer voor het leven als guerrillaleider.
In februari hadden de Colombiaanse regering en Segunda Marquetalia aangekondigd dat ze onderhandelingen zouden openen. (HLN)…[+]

Zeker elf mensen omgekomen bij busongeluk Indonesië

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INDONESIЁ – Ten minste elf mensen zijn om het leven gekomen bij een busongeluk op het eiland Java in Indonesië afgelopen zaterdag.
De bus reed van de stad Depok naar Lembang en vervoerde meer dan zestig studenten, die net hun diploma hadden gehaald, en leraren. De chauffeur verloor de grip over het stuur en de bus botste tegen een auto en drie motoren, aldus de politie.
Negen van de passagiers die overleden waren studenten en één van hem was een leraar. Een van de motorrijders kwam om het leven en dertien mensen raakten ernstig gewond. Veertig mensen hadden minder ernstige verwondingen.
De politie onderzoekt de toedracht van het ongeluk.(De Telegraaf)…[+]

Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

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US – The first man to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has died two months after the operation, the hospital which carried out the procedure has said.
Richard “Rick” Slayman, 62, was suffering with end-stage kidney disease before undergoing the operation in March.
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) said yesterday that there was no indication his death was a result of the transplant.
Transplants of other organs from genetically modified pigs have failed in the past, but the operation on Mr Slayman was hailed as a historic milestone.
In addition to kidney disease, Mr Slayman also suffered from Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. In 2018, he had a human kidney transplant, but it began to fail after five years.
Following his pig kidney transplant on 16 March, his doctors confirmed he no longer needed dialysis after the new organ was said to be functioning well.
“Mr Slayman will forever be seen as a beacon of hope to countless transplant patients worldwide and we are deeply grateful for his trust and willingness to advance the field of xenotransplantation,” MGH said in a statement.
Xenotransplantation is the transplanting of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another.
MGH said it was “deeply saddened” at his sudden death and offered condolences to his family.
Mr Slayman’s relatives said his story was an inspiration.
“Rick said that one of the reasons he underwent this procedure was to provide hope for the thousands of people who need a transplant to survive,” they said.
“Rick accomplished that goal and his hope and optimism will endure forever.
“To us, Rick was a kind-hearted man with a quick-witted sense of humour who was fiercely dedicated to his family, friends, and co-workers,” they added.
While Mr Slayman received the first pig kidney to be transplanted into a human, it is not the first pig organ to be used in a transplant procedure.
Two other patients have received pig heart transplants, but those procedures were unsuccessful as the recipients died a few weeks later.
In one case, there were signs the patient’s immune system had rejected the organ, which is a common risk in transplants. (BBC)…[+]

Amerikaanse man die varkensnier ontving overleden

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VS – De 62-jarige Amerikaanse man bij wie in maart een varkensnier werd getransplanteerd, is overleden. Dat meldden Amerikaanse media gisteren. Massachusetts General Hospital, dat de transplantatie verrichtte, meldde het overlijden van Rick Slayman afgelopen zaterdag.
Volgens het ziekenhuis is het overlijden niet het gevolg van de transplantatie. De nier was genetisch aangepast door varkensgenen te verwijderen en menselijke toe te voegen. Door deze aanpassing verbeterde de werking van de nier.(De Telegraaf)…[+]

Fourth Indian arrested and charged in Canada over Sikh activist’s killing

Fourth Indian arrested and charged in Canada over Sikh activist’s killing

CANADA – A fourth Indian national has been arrested and charged by the Canadian authorities over the killing of a separatist Sikh activist in Vancouver last year – a case that has strained diplomatic relations with India.
Amandeep Singh, 22, was already in custody for unrelated gun charges before being charged with “first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder” in the slaying of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) said.
Singh lived in the cities of Brampton, Surrey and Abbotsford.
Three other Indian nationals were arrested earlier this month in the city of Edmonton in Alberta, with the authorities saying they were investigating whether the men had ties to the Indian government.
Kamalpreet Singh, 22; Karan Brar, 22; and Karanpreet Singh, 28, appeared in court last Tuesday via videolink and agreed to a trial in English. They have also been charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
Sikh leaders in North America have welcomed the arrests, but allegations that the Indian government was involved have fuelled questions and unease.
Nijjar, 45, was shot dead in June outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, a Vancouver suburb with a large Sikh population. He was campaigning for the creation of Khalistan, an independent Sikh homeland carved out of India.
India has long been embittered by Sikh separatist groups in Canada and had deemed Nijjar a “terrorist”.
Shortly after his death, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said there was evidence of potential Indian government involvement in Nijjar’s murder, which led to a backlash from India.
New Delhi dismissed the allegations as “absurd” and responded furiously, briefly curbing visas for Canadians and forcing Ottawa to withdraw diplomats.
In November, the US Department of Justice charged an Indian citizen, Nikhil Gupta, living in the Czech Republic with plotting a similar assassination attempt on US soil.
Prosecutors said in unsealed court documents that an Indian government official was also involved in the planning to assassinate Sikh-American activist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.
The shock allegations came after US President Joe Biden hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a rare state visit as Washington seeks closer ties with India against China’s growing influence.
US intelligence agencies have assessed that the plot on US soil was approved by India’s top spy official at the time, Samant Goel, The Washington Post reported in April.
About 770,000 Sikhs live in Canada, nearly 2 percent of the country’s population and the largest number of the community outside India. (Al Jazeera)…[+]

Virginia Commonwealth University students walk out of graduation

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US – Dozens of Virginia Commonwealth University students walked out of their graduation ceremony last Saturday, partly over a speaker’s response – the state governor – to campus protests.
It comes as US school officials brace for possible disruptions of commencement events over Israel-Gaza war protests.
Dozens of colleges roiled by protests are holding graduations this weekend.
More than 2,000 people have been arrested since protest began mid-April.
Social media posts on Saturday showed Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) students in caps and gowns leaving the room as Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin began his commencement address.
Some students had criticised the selection of Mr Youngkin as that year’s speaker, both for his opposition to a racial literacy requirement being considered by VCU as well as for saying that encampments on college campuses should not be allowed.
Video posted online show some of the VCU protesters chanting “disclose, divest – we will not stop we will not rest”.
Many students protesters in the US are demanding that their schools, many with massive endowments, financially cut ties from Israel.
People were clapping so loudly, members of the audience couldn’t hear Mr Youngkin speak, Sereen Haddad, a second-year VCU student who helped organise the protest, told the BBC last Saturday evening.
Ms Haddad said some 150 people marched outside the ceremony, including students who walked out.
Thirteen people, including six students, were arrested at VCU when the encampment there was cleared by police on 29 April.
Mr Youngkin’s speech went on as planned despite the walk-out. He later posted a message on social media congratulating graduates and did not comment on the protest.
At another commencement on Saturday, the University of California Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ opened the ceremony by acknowledging the weeks of demonstrations from protesters.
“I’m saddened by how this conflict has divided students, faculty and staff,” she said, according to the LA Times.
The remarks drew some applause as well as chants of: “Hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go”.
Some 20 students stood up and began waving signs, Palestinian flags and chanting, “Free Palestine” as during another speech, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, and they were later joined in chants by more graduates.
In a statement, UC Berkeley said that the event continued despite being “unfortunately disrupted” and that protesters who left the ceremony did so voluntarily. No one was arrested.
The protest came a day after eight students wore shirts spelling out “UC divest” during the law school graduation ceremony.
In the past month, the BBC has counted more than 130 US colleges and universities with protests against the ongoing war in Gaza.
Campus protests have led to some graduation ceremonies being cancelled, including at New York’s Columbia University, which said last week it was ditching its 15 May commencement in favour of smaller celebrations to focus on keeping students “safe”.
Many schools have brought in additional measures for the graduation events, such as requiring identification, instituting clear bag policies, and issuing warnings that people causing a disruption will be removed.
Some commencement speakers have also withdrawn, like author Colson Whitehead, who said he would no longer be the keynote speaker at the University of Massachusetts Amherst event after police cleared an encampment there.
Others have had their speeches cancelled.
The University of Vermont and Xavier University of Louisiana recently rescinded invitations to have the US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, speak under students pressure to drop the Biden administration official from the line-up.
Some universities, including University of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, had police clear encampments and arrest protesters last Friday ahead of graduation ceremonies.
At the University of Arizona, police used “loud munitions” and “chemical munitions” to clear remaining protesters from an encampment, the university said.
While some universities have avoided clearing the protest camps, others have brought in police to help remove demonstrators.
Earlier this week, the chief of police at Arizona State University was placed on paid administrative leave “pending a review” after the school received a number of complaints about his handling of the campus protests in late April, ASU said. (BBC)…[+]

At least 28 dead, several missing in Indonesia flash floods, cold lava flow

At least 28 dead, several missing in

INDONESIA – At least 28 people, including several children, have been killed and many others are missing after flash floods and cold lava flow from a volcano hit western Indonesia, according to rescue officials.
Basarnas search and rescue agency said in a statement yesterday the disaster hit Agam and Tanah Datar districts in the West Sumatra province at about 10:30pm (15:30 GMT) last Saturday after hours of heavy rain, triggering a flash flood and a cold lava flow from Mount Marapi.
Cold lava, also known as lahar, is volcanic material like ash, sand and pebbles carried down a volcano’s slopes by rain.
Abdul Malik, head of the provincial rescue agency, told Reuters 28 people were killed, including a three-year-old and an eight-year-old.
Four other people are still being searched in Agam district, he said.
“Today, we will continue the search in the two districts.”
Photos and videos posted on social media showed large rocks and thick mud covering the streets of West Sumatra.
The disaster comes just two months after another deadly flooding hit the same island.
Authorities dispatched a team of rescuers and rubber boats to look for the missing victims and to transport people to shelters.
The local government set up evacuation centres and emergency posts in several spots in the two districts.
Indonesia is prone to landslides and floods during the rainy season.
Last week, 15 people were killed in South Sulawesi after landslides and flooding swept away homes and damaged roads.
In March, at least 26 people had been found dead after landslides and floods hit West Sumatra.
Last Saturday’s floods in Agam and Tanah Datar also carried cold lava down from Mount Marapi, the most active volcano in Sumatra and one of nearly 130 active volcanoes in the Indonesian archipelago.
In December, Marapi erupted and spewed an ash tower 3,000 metres (9,800 feet) into the sky, higher than the volcano itself.
At least 24 climbers, most of them university students, died in the eruption.
In a separate deadly incident last Saturday evening, at least 11 people were killed and dozens of others were injured when a bus carrying more than 60 high school students on a graduation trip and their teachers crashed on Indonesia’s biggest island of Java.(Al Jazeera)…[+]

Xi stresses breaking new ground in ideological, political education


BEIJING – President Xi Jinping has stressed efforts to continuously break new ground in ideological and political education at schools in the new era.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in an instruction on the development of ideological-political courses for schools.
Xi said that the CPC Central Committee has always made developing ideological-political courses in schools a priority for education since the 18th CPC National Congress and the Party’s leadership in this regard has been fully strengthened.
Developing ideological-political courses on the new journey of the new era should follow the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the fundamental mission of fostering virtue should be carried out, Xi said.
He underscored the importance of developing a system of textbooks with a focus on the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and integrating political education across all levels from elementary schools to universities.
Xi stressed the need for efforts to uphold fundamental principles and break new ground to develop ideological-political courses, and to make the courses more targeted and appealing.
He stressed that Party committees and leading Party members groups at all levels should make it a priority to develop ideological-political courses.
Schools of various types should consistently break new ground in ideological and political education in the new era, and foster talented individuals who are loyal to the Party, patriotic and dedicated, and capable of shouldering the mission of realizing national rejuvenation, he said.
Xi’s important instruction was conveyed at a meeting on boosting the development of ideological-political courses for schools held in Beijing on Saturday. Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
Ding, who is also vice premier, called for thorough study and implementation of Xi’s important instruction and urged continuous efforts to push forward the reform and innovation of ideological-political courses.
Stressing the importance of helping students better understand national conditions and consolidate their ideals and faith, Ding said the mechanism for guaranteeing proper status and salaries for teachers of the courses should be improved. (Xinhua)…[+]