Mentally ill man shot dead by police

man trinidad

Schiz­o­phre­nia is a chron­ic and se­vere men­tal dis­or­der that af­fects how a per­son thinks, feels and be­haves. So when Roger “Bub­bles” Nages­sar charged at po­lice with a cut­lass in his hand, rel­a­tives felt the po­lice could have tak­en pity and shot him in the legs. In­stead, Nages­sar, 44, died at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal af­ter be­ing shot sev­er­al times in the leg and chest Wednes­day night.

A re­port stat­ed that around 8.30 pm Wednes­day, Ste Madeleine po­lice and the Rapid Re­sponse Unit re­spond­ed to a re­port that Nages­sar was walk­ing in the road with a cut­lass. He had been act­ing vi­o­lent­ly and throw­ing bot­tles at his neigh­bours’ homes along Her­rera Street, Friend­ship Vil­lage, San Fer­nan­do.

When of­fi­cers ar­rived and called Nages­sar out of his house, where he lived alone, he emerged with a cut­lass. De­spite the of­fi­cers’ in­struc­tions to drop the cut­lass three times Nages­sar re­fused. He re­port­ed­ly said: “Like they want to ex­e­cute my son.” He then walked to­ward the of­fi­cers and they fired six shots at him. He was tak­en to the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal (SFGH) where he died.A rel­a­tive, who asked not to be iden­ti­fied, said yes­ter­day that while the of­fi­cers were with­in their rights to de­fend them­selves they could have shot Nages­sar in his leg. He said Nages­sar was an out­pa­tient of the SFGH and be­haved well when he took his med­ica­tion.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]