Nieuws volgens datum: 26 Apr, 2024


By Alirio Polsbroek

PARAMARIBO, April 26, 2024 – When the Surinamese President Chandrikapersad Santokhi returned  from a week-long state visit to the People’s Republic of China on April 20, 2024, it was clear that during this visit the two countries tightened the knots to an unbreakable point. It is also clear that President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative has the admiration of Suriname. President Santokhi put this admiration into words, saying upon his return to the Surinamese media: “the Belt and Road Initiative is one that plays a very important role in bringing development for a lot of nations and people and we are making good use of it and we (Suriname) benefit from the BRI”. 

On behalf of the Surinamese nation, the president, made it clear in China during his visit, that the BRI helps to boost connectivity in the region and that it is also transforming Suriname into an economic hub in South America. President Santokhi mentioned two projects to elaborate. He referred, for example, to roads built in Suriname under the Belt and Road Initiative, which help villagers in remote areas and he also referred to the hospitals that played an important role in  controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Timeline of how Suriname ‘belted’ the new Silk Road 

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the China-Suriname strategic cooperative partnership, which was established in 2019. In May 2018, China and Suriname agreed to deepen their pragmatic cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and during a meeting in September of that same year, this was reconfirmed in Paramaribo between former Surinamese President Desiré Bouterse and visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. At that meeting Wang said that “China appreciates Suriname’s support and participation in the co-building of the Belt and Road”. He also emphasized  that both sides should promote the all-round development of bilateral ties on the basis of consolidating political mutual trust driven by the co-building of the Belt and Road Initiative. 



Surinamese President Desiré Bouterse (1st R) meets with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi(1st L) in Paramaribo, Suriname on September 23, 2018. Both sides pledging to enhance ties between the two countries. (Xinhua/Cui Yuanlei)

Bouterse in return said :“the Surinamese government is committed to deepening bilateral exchanges and cooperation in infrastructure construction, tourism, cultural exchanges and other fields, and will continue to actively support and participate in the Belt and Road construction”.

In November 2019, Suriname and China signed the cooperation plan in Beijing, to jointly advance the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. Suriname sees the joint construction of the BRI as an opportunity to upgrade bilateral strategic relations. “Suriname stands ready to work with China to safeguard multilateralism, international law, and basic norms of international cooperation relations”, President Desiré Bouterse said to the Chinese people and President Xi Jinping at this historical event.



President Desiré Bouterse and President Xi Jinping meet at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 27 November 2019. At this meeting Xi said: “The development of bilateral ties is in an important historical period, and China is willing to work with Suriname to take the opportunity of the Belt and Road cooperation to uplift the ties to new heights”. (Xinhua)

Bouterse’s successor, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, underlined this agreement last month, to his excellency President Xi by saying: “China’s BRI helped turn my country into a key hub in South America”. These words emphasize the importance of the initiative for Suriname and are a pledge, that no matter which person holds office of President to Suriname, continuation of BRI in Suriname is insured. No smear campaigns against the Belt and Road Initiative by others, will have a negative impact on the way Suriname has embraced BRI, and the way Suriname believes the important role BRI will play in the development of the country and the rest of the world.


 President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and President Xi Jinping meet at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 12 April 2024. At this meeting Xi said:“ China welcomes more high-quality and distinctive Surinamese products to enter the Chinese market, and stands ready to deepen cooperation with Suriname on joint Belt and Road construction”. (Xinhua)

Why Suriname ‘belted’ the new Silk Road 

Surinamese analysts agree that over the last four years, closer ties with China have effectively changed Suriname’s economy and that Beijing has bolstered its commitment to the country with a comprehensive shared development scheme that goes beyond trade, finance, and the economy. It sets the foundation for great development, thanks to China’s proposed win-win ties of cooperation. China has become a partner of Suriname and vice versa. It is proven that close China-Suriname ties have turned into tangible projects in the areas of infrastructure, services, and transportation and led to safer and more reliable financing schemes. For example; just two weeks ago, China remitted debts of Suriname dating back before 2013, according to the Surinamese minister of Foreign Affairs, Albert Ramdin.

China has been a major contributor to Suriname’s development goals since The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Suriname formally established diplomatic relations on May 28, 1976, and continues to do so. The Chinese government has provided millions of US dollars in humanitarian emergency aid to Suriname, and hundreds of machineries for agricultural and construction purposes have also been donated. A hospital and different sports facilities are just some of the projects that can be mentioned as part of a long list. 

With the help of China, Suriname’s weak economy has the possibility to grow strong if the cards are played right. There is proof that the geo-economic and geopolitical center of world power is shifting away from the Atlantic, which was controlled by Western nations and marked by the North-South inequality. The emerging “multilateralism” between China and Suriname, will lead to greater equality in international relations and greater balance between the different regions.

China has been the great ‘powerhouse’ when it comes to providing financial aid to Suriname, with more than 600 million American dollars in loans over the past years alone. Thanks to the BRI, help is not only provided in the form of money but also in the form of  policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and the people-to-people bond.  These are the five priorities of this initiative as stipulated by President Xi Jinping at the unveiling of his idea in 2013.

Why this special bond between China and Suriname? 

On historical level. Where does this ‘love affair’ between these two nations originate from? These two countries are literally on the opposite sides of the globe. How come their ties are so strong?

First of all, when we look at Suriname’s  history we see that it has welcomed Chinese immigrants with open arms for the past 170 years. And, even to this day, Suriname keeps welcoming new immigrants from China. That’s why Suriname has one of the biggest Chinese communities in the Caribbean. There is no part of the country where you will not find a Chinese family or descendants, living their daily lives. 

On cultural level. The Chinese influence has been a part of Suriname’s identity since as early as in 1853 when the first Chinese laborers came all the way to the country.

Over the past 170 years, they and those who came after them and all their descendants have found themselves a new home, working hard to integrate into the local community and contributing to Suriname’s economic development and cultural diversity. That’s why the People’s Republic of China has invested in cultural enhancement programs between the two countries. Cultural events organized by the embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Suriname are very well attended and appreciated by a fast Surinamese audience. These activities enhance Suriname’s diversified culture. Organizing a steady stream of cultural events keeps the Chinese part of the Surinamese culture alive and enriches it.

Because of the acceptance of the Chinese culture, Suriname is the first country in the Western Hemisphere to designate the Chinese Spring Festival as an official national holiday. The Chinese Culture is incorporated into Suriname in such a way, that it is impossible not to acknowledge that there is more between these two countries than just friendship. 

On political level. The bond between the two countries has grown from being historical and cultural partners, to diplomatic one-minded nations. Suriname has constantly adhered to the one-China policy and has respected China’s core interests since the establishment of diplomatic ties more than 40 years ago.

On the 12th of April 2024, President Santokhi, once again, ensured the Surinamese point of view in a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Beijing. “Suriname firmly adheres to the one-China principle and supports China’s efforts to promote national reunification”, he said, expressing hopes of working with China to implement global initiatives. China in turn expressed its support to Suriname in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence and in following a development path suited to its national conditions. Premier Li pointed out that China is ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Suriname in the United Nations and other multilateral mechanisms, actively implement the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative, better respond to climate change and other global challenges, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Two bonded nations

It is clear that the ties between the two nations is much more than just politically-, economically-, diplomatically- or culturally motivated . It is a historical bond that started 170 years ago when the first group of Chinese immigrants came to the country. It got a jumpstart more than 40 years ago with the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two nations. And since 2013, the relation has taken to the skies with opportunities that are based on bonds, that go beyond friendship under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.  Suriname has firmly and fondly embraced the Belt and Road Initiative.



SOURCES: People’s Daily
                     Communication Unit of The Surinamese President(CDS)
                     Belt and Road Portal
                     Xinhua news agency
                     Times of Suriname archives





Russia vetoes US-backed UN resolution to ban nuclear weapons in space


RUSSIA – Russia vetoed a United Nations resolution that proposed a ban on the use of nuclear weapons in outer space amid US intelligence-backed concerns that Moscow is trying to develop a nuclear device capable of destroying satellites.
Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia described the UN draft as a “dirty spectacle” and a “cynical ploy” prepared by the resolution’s backers, the US and Japan.
In February, President Joe Biden confirmed the US has intelligence that Russia is developing a nuclear anti-satellite capability. Three sources familiar with the intelligence subsequently told CNN the weapon could destroy satellites by creating a massive energy wave when detonated.
Before the vote, senior US officials claimed Russia might be hiding something should it veto the text.
US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield echoed those claims in her speech after the vote on Wednesday.
“And so today’s veto begs the question: Why? Why, if you are following the rules, would you not support a resolution that reaffirms them?” she asked.
“What could you possibly be hiding? It’s baffling. And it’s a shame.”
The US ambassador also condemned China’s abstention, saying Beijing “has shown that it would rather defend Russia as its junior partner, than safeguard the global nonproliferation regime.”
The Council voted against resolution amendments tabled by Russia and China.
Thomas-Greenfield said that last Wednesday’s vote “marks a real missed opportunity to rebuild much-needed trust in existing arms control obligations.”
A US and Japan-drafted resolution had received cross-regional support from more than 60 member states.
It intended to strengthen and uphold the global non-proliferation regime, including in outer space, and reaffirm the shared goal of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes.
It also called on UN member states not to develop nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction designed to be placed in Earth’s orbit.
The potential threat of nuclear weapons in space has been amplified by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has triggered Europe’s most significant land conflict since World War II and sent relations between the US and Russia – the world’s two largest nuclear armed states – to new lows.
The White House’s comments on the prospect of a Russian nuclear space weapon have deepened those concerns.
Experts say this kind of weapon could have the potential to wipe out mega constellations of small satellites, like SpaceX’s Starlink, which has been successfully used by Ukraine to counter Russian troops.
This would almost certainly be “a last-ditch weapon” for Russia, the US official and other sources said — because it would do the same damage to whatever Russian satellites were also in the area.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that Moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons if there is a threat to the existence of the Russian state but “there has never been such a need.”
He also told officials that space projects, including the setup of a nuclear power unit in space, should be a priority and receive proper financing.
Last year, Putin deployed tactical nuclear weapons to neighboring ally Belarus, and former Russian president and deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said strategic nuclear weapons could be used to defend territories incorporated into Russia from Ukraine.

Latin American bloc holds summit to devise trade, energy cooperation roadmap for 2030

CARACAS – The 23rd summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) opened here last Wednesday with its agenda focusing on a roadmap for 2030.
“We have received an extraordinary proposal with seven lines of action, which we have called the ALBA 2030 Agenda,” containing “great goals” for the immediate, short and medium terms till “2030 or beyond,” said Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who presided over the event.
Founded in 2004, the ALBA-TCP bloc currently groups 10 countries with the aim of reducing Latin America’s reliance on Western aid by promoting intra-regional alliances and cooperation in key sectors such as energy and trade.
Member countries have made progress in debating the goals, Maduro said, voicing confidence that a draft of the agenda will be approved as a roadmap.
According to Maduro, the top objective is the creation of an ALBA-TCP cooperation and development agency to attract the resources to promote development projects. And the second line of action aims to relaunch Petrocaribe, a regional oil procurement agreement between Venezuela and Caribbean member states.
“Petrocaribe is recovering, relaunching itself and will return,” Maduro said.
Maduro, who welcomed the ALBA heads of state and government at the Miraflores Palace, described Wednesday’s gathering as “one of the best meetings.” (Xinhua)…[+]

China’s top political advisor meets speaker of lower house of Kazakh parliament

BEIJING – Wang Huning, China’s top political advisor, met with Yerlan Koshanov, speaker of the Mazhilis, or the lower house of Kazakhstan’s parliament, in Beijing.
Wang, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the two countries have focused on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and on building an even closer China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future.
China is ready to work with Kazakhstan to provide firm mutual support, advance practical cooperation, enhance the friendship between the two peoples, and enrich the permanent China-Kazakhstan comprehensive strategic partnership, Wang said, adding that the CPPCC National Committee is ready to contribute to these ends.
Koshanov offered his congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, expressing support for China’s core interests and major concerns.
The Kazakh parliament will contribute to advancing bilateral relations and the friendship between the two peoples, Koshanov said. (Xinhua)…[+]

Seawall vendors must adhere to their permit guidelines – Edghill

Every person who has received permission from the Sea and River Defense Board to vend on the Kitty Seawall will continue to vend.
This was reemphasised this afternoon by the Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works, during a planned meeting with the vendors at the seawall. Minister Edghill said any misinformation that the government was removing vendors is clear mischief-making.
“What we are doing is to ensure that everybody who got a license, your license [would have] told you, or your letter of permit [told you] the conditions under which you must vend and those conditions must be upheld.”
Minister Edghill listed those conditions as no permanent structures, the vending space should be no more than 100 Square feet, mobile vending carts must be fifteen feet from the edge of the road, vendors must clean up their area after vending, and whatever is set up when vending must be aesthetically sound and lending to the beautification of the environment.”
The Minister also made it clear that the removal exercise was not sudden, but in fact over a period and with proper notification to the vendors.
“Anybody who is trying to tell you that this is a now, yesterday for today exercise is fooling the nation, and [so far] we have removed more than 20 pit latrines from this seawall, secondly people have gone far beyond what their license told them and are putting down concrete structures, and containers on bases.”
Minister Edghill said persons have also vended in areas not designated for vending, like between the Kitty roundabout and the monument. These persons have since been removed and will be accommodated in the properly designated vending area west of the monument.
“You would have seen that we would have already cleared that area, because of what was transpiring we could not have allowed it to continue. I just drove there and you could see the concrete foundations remaining after we moved those persons. So, even though they were moved from between the roundabout and the monument, arrangements were being put in place for them to fit in [with the other vendors west of the monument] so that they would not be left out of business as well,” Minister Edghill noted.
He urges persons to be reasonable and rational as the Sea and River Defense reserve they use temporarily for vending, must be easily accessible in the event of an emergency.
Minister Edghill said the PPP/C government is not in the business of displacing anyone nor in the business of taking bread out of their mouths. But rules are in place for a reason and all of us, regardless of who we are must adhere to these. (INewsGuyana)…[+]

Health Ministry aims to boost HPV vaccination

Guyana is taking steps to increase the uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as the country marks immunisation week 2024.
The global event, observed from April 24 to 30, carries the theme ‘Humanly Possible: Immunization for All.’
Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony noted the country’s commendable performance in general child immunisation, achieving coverage rates between 98 to 100 per cent.
However, there remains a challenge in administering the HPV vaccine, with only 40 per cent of children aged nine to 15 receiving the jab.
“We want to take this up to close to 90 per cent and therefore we still have a lot of work to do,” Dr Anthony told the Department of Public Information (DPI) during a recent interview.
“It’s important because if you get the HPV vaccine it can prevent cervical cancer and for boys, because we are doing it for both boys and girls, it can prevent other types of genital cancers,” Dr Anthony stated.
The health minister announced that the vaccine is now available to women up to 45 years old. Women aged 16 to 25 require two doses, while those aged 26 to 45 require three.
Emphasising the vaccine’s role in cervical cancer prevention, Dr Anthony outlined countries with high vaccination rates experiencing a notable decline in cervical cancer cases.
“So, by getting this vaccine you can prevent yourself from getting cervical cancer and possibly dying from cervical cancer, so we can change this with a vaccine that is widely available and it is free of cost. The government is providing it,” Dr Anthony underscored.
Guyana boasts impressive coverage rates across various vaccines, including injections for pregnant women.
Meanwhile, World Immunisation Week aims to raise awareness and enhance coverage against vaccine-preventable diseases, an annual endeavour observed during the last week of April. (DPI)…[+]

Guyana gets two new Ambassadors

Head of State, President Irfaan Ali, received the Letters of Credence affirming the presence of two new Ambassadors to Guyana. These are Bernardo José Del Pico Rubio, of Chile and Pavla Havrlíková, of the Czech Republic. The modest handing over ceremony was held at Office of the President.
In a brief discussion with the Czech Ambassador, the Head of State said that Guyana is keen to cooperate in the areas of aquaculture and telemedicine. He also shared the country’s vision and its quest to provide leadership in areas of food, energy and climate security. The President said that under the tenure of Ambassador Havrlíková, he wishes to see new areas of cooperation and strengthen relations between Guyana and the Czech Republic. As it relates to Chile relations, the President used the occasion to highlight the cordial relations between the two countries and spoke of the need to strengthen relations and enhance areas of cooperation, including trade. Guyana and Chile established diplomatic relations in 1971. (Kaieteur News)…[+]

Wieken Parijse theater Moulin Rouge afgevallen


FRANKRIJK – De wieken van de molen op het beroemde cabarettheater Moulin Rouge in Parijs zijn in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag afgevallen. De wieken kwamen op de Boulevard de Clichy terecht en er is lichte schade aan de gevel veroorzaakt. Niemand raakte gewond. De directie sluit “kwaad opzet” uit.
Franse media melden dat het pand zelf niet in gevaar is. Het is een van de beroemdste theaters en bouwwerken van Parijs en komt in talrijke romans en films voor. Het is in 1889, in hetzelfde jaar als de Eiffeltoren, verrezen. De architect van het pand was voornamelijk de uit Enschede afkomstige Eduard Niermans, die in Frankrijk tot een van de meest vooraanstaande architecten van de belle époque gerekend wordt.
De belle époque of het mooie tijdperk was in Europa een periode van relatief veel welvaart, vrede en ontplooiing van kunsten en wetenschap. Het duurde van het einde van de negentiende eeuw tot het uitbreken van de Eerste Wereldoorlog in 1914. (De Telegraaf)…[+]

Spaanse premier Sánchez legt taken tijdelijk neer en overweegt op te stappen


SPANJE – De Spaanse premier Pedro Sánchez legt tot 29 april zijn taken neer. Dat doet hij naar eigen zeggen uit protest tegen wat hij “intimidatie” door politieke tegenstanders noemt. Woensdag is een rechtbank een onderzoek gestart naar de echtgenote van Sánchez.
In een verklaring op X beschuldigt de 52-jarige premier zijn politieke tegenstanders van de Volkspartij (PP) en Vox van intimidatie. Volgens de premier hebben zijn tegenstanders ook een hand gehad in het onderzoek naar het handelen van zijn vrouw.
Eerder kondigde de rechtbank van Madrid een vooronderzoek aan naar Begoña Gómez. Daaruit moet blijken of zij zich schuldig heeft gemaakt aan belangenverstrengeling en corruptie. Gómez zegt mee te werken aan het onderzoek.
Sánchez noemt het onderzoek een “ongekende aanval”. “Dit is zo ernstig en verwerpelijk dat ik me afvraag of dit me het premierschap waard is.”
Volgens Vox stelt de premier zich aan en moet hij sowieso aftreden. Ook Javier Maroto, een senator namens de PP, zegt dat Sánchez maar al te graag voor de “slachtofferrol” kiest.
Sánchez ligt al langer overhoop met de oppositiepartijen. Die nemen het de premier kwalijk dat hij zich heeft ingezet voor amnestie voor Catalaanse separatisten. Sánchez wordt verweten dat hij alleen maar een deal met de Catalanen heeft gesloten omdat hij koste wat kost aan de macht wil blijven. De premier is van mening dat een overeenkomst met de Catalanen goed is voor de eenheid van het land. (NU)…[+]

Politie grijpt in bij anti-Israël protesten Amerika


VS – De politie grijpt in bij de groeiende studentenprotesten in Amerika. Op de universiteit van Southern California werden 93 mensen gearresteerd. Volgens CNN zijn de protesten daar gestopt en is de universiteit voor onbepaalde tijd gesloten voor bezoek van buitenaf.
Op andere universiteiten lijkt het protest nog niet gestopt. In meerdere steden in Amerika zijn gebouwen bezet.
De Republikeinse voorzitter van het Huis van Afgevaardigden Mike Johnson zei afgelopen woensdag nog tijdens een bezoek aan de protesten in New York dat hij vindt dat de Nationale Garde moet worden ingezet om de protesten te breken. Johnson sprak van een ‘radicale meute die anti-semitische uitlatingen doet en Joodse studenten bedreigt’.
In New York werd politiechef James McCarthy omringd door uitzinnige actievoerders die hem en zijn collega’s voor ‘fascisten’ en ‘varkens’ uitmaakten. De studenten eisten de vrijlating van een gearresteerde vrouw, zo blijkt uit een video die op X circuleert.
Woensdag waren er betogingen bij onder meer de universiteiten van Ohio en Zuid-Californië en in de Texaanse stad Austin, waar zich een gespannen confrontatie afspeelde tussen studenten en oproerpolitie. Aan tientallen andere grote en kleinere onderwijsinstellingen werd betoogd, meldt de Washington Post. Studenten van de Harvard University in Boston zetten een tentenkamp op.
De studenten eisen dat de oorlog stopt en ze willen dat de universiteiten en overheid stoppen met investeren in bedrijven die banden hebben met Israël. De tentenkampen liggen vol Palestijnse vlaggen en spandoeken.
De protesten liepen veelal uit in het roepen van antisemitische en pro-Hamas-leuzen en oproepen tot geweld, zegt Republikein Mike Johnson. Volgens getuigen werden er leuzen als: ‘verbrand Tel Aviv’, ‘Al-Qassam, maak ons trots’ en ‘Hamas, we houden van je’ gescandeerd. Meerdere Joodse studenten zeiden dat ze zich daardoor bedreigd voelen.
De protestgolf begon aan de Columbia University in New York, waar vorige week tientallen betogers werden opgepakt nadat de universiteitsautoriteiten de politie erbij haalden.
Republikein Mike Johnson wil dat rector Nemat Shafik opstapt, omdat ze niet genoeg doet om Joodse studenten te beschermen. Ook bij de University of Michigan, Yale en M.I.T. zijn vergelijkbare acties gemeld.
Presidentskandidaat Donald Trump zei eerder deze week dat hij de bezem door alle opstandige universiteiten haalt als hij verkozen wordt. “Academici zijn geobsedeerd door het indoctrineren van de Amerikaanse jeugd. Het is tijd om onze eens zo grote onderwijsinstellingen terug te winnen van radicaal links.” (De Telegraaf)…[+]

Historische woonboerderij valt ten prooi aan extreme erosie


ENGELAND – Dramatische luchtfoto’s tonen een historische, 18e eeuwse boerderij aan de kust van het Engelse Norfolk die ten prooi gaat vallen aan extreme erosie. De woonboerderij hangt gevaarlijk over de rand van een klif na een nieuwe aardverschuiving.
De nieuwe foto’s van het huis in Trimingham zijn naast die van 25 jaar geleden gezet. Te zien is hoe er langzaam een gapend gat richting de zee verschijnt. Erosie van de kliffen bij Trimingham vindt in een alarmerend tempo plaats als gevolg van de vele en hevige regen in de afgelopen winter. De zachte kliffen zijn daardoor verzadigd met water, wat regelmatig voor aardverschuivingen zorgt.
De oude boerderij op de toepasselijk genaamde Cliff Farm zal binnenkort gesloopt worden. De lokale autoriteiten vrezen dat er brokstukken op het strand storten als het gat onder de fundering nog groter wordt. Het pand wordt al niet meer bewoond.
De woonboerderij met drie slaapkamers werd vijf jaar geleden op een veiling gekocht voor ongeveer €150.000. Eerder lag de boerderij verder weg van de klif, maar recente aardverschuivingen hebben het achterste deel van de fundering al blootgelegd.
In de badplaats Hemsby – enkele kilometers verderop – zijn ook al verschillende kleinere huizen verloren gegaan als gevolg van kusterosie.
(De Telegraaf)…[+]

Criminele bende die waardevolle boeken stal in Europa opgerold


LETLAND – Vier Georgiërs zijn in Letland en Georgië aangehouden die deel zouden uitmaken van een criminele groep die zich bezighield met het stelen van antieke boeken. Meer dan 170 werken van onder meer literaire grootheden als Aleksandr Poesjkin en Nikolaj Gogol zijn volgens Europol uit bibliotheken ontvreemd en de financiële schade wordt geschat op zo’n 2,5 miljoen euro.
De daders deden zich onder meer voor als academici en terwijl het personeel werd afgeleid werden waardevolle exemplaren verwisseld voor kopieën van “uitstekende kwaliteit.” In sommige gevallen werden de boeken verkregen door simpelweg in te breken. De daders sloegen toe in meerdere Europese landen.
De politie viel woensdag 27 locaties in Georgië en Letland binnen en arresteerde vier verdachten. In het onderzoek zijn eerder al Georgiërs in Frankrijk, Estland en Litouwen aangehouden.
Sommige boeken zijn volgens Interpol bij veilinghuizen in Sint-Petersburg en Moskou onder de hamer gegaan waardoor ze in principe niet meer terug te vinden zijn. Bij de invallen zijn zeker 150 boeken veiliggesteld. Die worden onderzocht op herkomst. Ook is een boek dat in Frankrijk werd gestolen inmiddels teruggevonden. (De Telegraaf)…[+]

Verenigde Staten stuurdenin het geheim langeafstandsraketten naar Oekraïne


OEKRAЇNE – De Verenigde Staten hebben in de afgelopen weken in het geheim langeafstandsraketten naar Oekraïne gestuurd. Volgens de Amerikanen heeft Oekraïne de raketten inmiddels al twee keer gebruikt tegen Russische troepen.
“Ik kan bevestigen dat de Verenigde Staten ATACMS-raketten voor de lange afstand hebben geleverd aan Oekraïne, op direct bevel van de president (Joe Biden)”, zei een woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Ook de nationaal veiligheidsadviseur Jake Sullivan bevestigde de levering van een “aanzienlijk aantal” langeafstandsraketten. Sullivan stelde dat er nog meer raketten geleverd zullen worden.
ATACMS staat voor Army Tactical Missile System. De raketten halen een afstand van 300 kilometer. Dat is beduidend verder dan de 160 kilometer van de raketten die de VS sinds september beschikbaar stelden.
De langeafstandsraketten zijn volgens het ministerie onderdeel van eerdere steunpakketten voor Oekraïne. Ook het recent aangenomen nieuwe steunpakket ter waarde van omgerekend 57 miljard euro omvat de levering van de raketten.
Met de levering van de raketten gaat een vurige wens van Volodymyr Zelensky in vervulling. De Oekraïense president vroeg de Amerikanen al maanden om langeafstandsraketten. Zelensky luidde de afgelopen tijd nadrukkelijk de noodklok vanwege het gebrek aan wapens bij zijn strijdkrachten.
Oekraïne kreeg de langeafstandsraketten op voorwaarde dat ze alleen binnen de Oekraïense landsgrenzen gebruikt zouden worden.
De Oekraïense strijdkrachten hebben de langeafstandsraketten al twee keer gebruikt. De eerste keer was op 17 april. Toen werd een vliegveld op het door de Russen bezette schiereiland de Krim aangevallen.
Ook zijn de raketten afgelopen dinsdag gebruikt tegen Russische troepen in het zuidoosten van Oekraïne. (NU)…[+]