New polls show Clinton and Trump neck-and-neck

USA – A pair of new polls out this weekend show the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and his likely Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton are both viewed unfavorably by more than half of U.S. voters.
In a Washington Post-ABC News survey released Sunday, the candidates both registered net negatives in the double-digits, with 57% of the electorate saying they had unfavorable impressions of the respective candidates. Fifty-four percent of respondents to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll took a dim view of Clinton, while 58% looked unfavorably on Trump. The horse race itself is swinging toward the billionaire businessman, who according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll has picked up 11 points since March, giving him a narrow 46%-44% lead. But the sum result in both surveys is a statistical dead heat. Clinton leads by 3 points, 46%-43%, in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Trump’s recent bump coincides with a growing sense of acceptance among Republican establishment figures. From former primary opponents to elected officials on Capitol Hill, the GOP is broadly warming to its likely standard-bearer(CNN.COM/photo: cdn3.img.sputniknews.com)…[+]