Trinidad cop’s killing a hit say investigators


Po­lice be­lieve a hit was called on the life po­lice con­sta­ble Krys­ton Ramirez. How­ev­er, they say they are close to mak­ing ar­rests af­ter re­ceiv­ing crit­i­cal in­for­ma­tion and in­tel­li­gence. Ramirez’s rel­a­tives are mean­while call­ing for “jus­tice.”

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, yes­ter­day, one of his rel­a­tives said Ramirez was pas­sion­ate about his polic­ing ca­reer and kept pur­su­ing stud­ies. “He did foren­sic stud­ies and oth­er in­ves­tiga­tive stud­ies just to keep im­prov­ing on him­self be­cause he want­ed to be and was striv­ing to be the best po­lice of­fi­cer in the ser­vice,” the rel­a­tive, who did not want to be named, said.

“He worked very hard for his chil­dren. One of them is five years and he worked very hard in try­ing to pro­vide them with the best and make them the best chil­dren in the world.” Ramirez was the fa­ther of three but lost one of his daugh­ters a cou­ple years ago due to ill­ness.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]