Trinidad landlord gunned down trying to evict tenants


Teach­ers at the Ari­ma Hin­du School were forced to send pupils home and shut down op­er­a­tions for the rest of the day yes­ter­day, af­ter a gun at­tack near the com­pound left one man dead and a woman in­jured. Po­lice said around 7.40 am, Do­minic Almerales and De­siree Sparkle Layne went to serve evic­tion no­tices to their for­eign ten­ants who were rent­ing apart­ments from Almerales’ house on Tem­ple Street, Ari­ma.How­ev­er, po­lice said they were both greet­ed by bul­lets from two armed men. Almerales was re­port­ed­ly struck sev­er­al times and died on the spot. Layne was shot on her arm and leg but po­lice said the in­juries were not life-threat­en­ing. She was tak­en to Ari­ma Health Fa­cil­i­ty where she was treat­ed and ward­ed in a sta­ble con­di­tion last evening.

It was re­port­ed that Almerales, a fa­ther of one, was a me­chan­ic and land­lord who lives close to his apart­ments on Tem­ple, Street. Guardian me­dia was told Almerales had heard his for­eign ten­ants were team­ing up with gangs in the area and de­cid­ed to evict them from his prop­er­ty. A res­i­dent, who was tak­ing her child to school at the time of the at­tack, told Guardian Me­dia she had to run for cov­er when she heard loud ex­plo­sions close to the school. This was fol­lowed by po­lice sirens blar­ing as of­fi­cers ar­rived on the scene.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]